Advice from a teenage survivor

Friday, December 7, 2012

Inspiration For the Day

Do something different today.

-Write on a piece of paper the most beautiful compliment you can think of, and when you go outside, give it to the first person you see. Just give it to them and walk away.

-Smile. Legitimately smile.

-Take a minute to look. Just look. Look at the flowers, look at the sky. Look at the trees, watch people. Listen to conversations, and just take life in. Think about your place, and how lucky you are to be where you're standing. Somebody else might not have the luxury to.

-Be thankful. For everything. Be thankful you can see, be thankful you can eat and walk. Be thankful for your cat, or for the butterflies. Be thankful you have clothes on your back. You might not have many, but you do have some.

-Don't worry about the future. Take a day and live in the moment. Go to the park with some friends and swing on the kid swings, live loud, have fun. Save worrying for another day.

-If you're at work today, enjoy your job. I don't care if you sincerely hate your job, find little things you like about it today. Maybe you like seeing somebody, or even listening to the radio on the way there. Just enjoy it.

-Listen. Listen to a stranger's story, listen to an opinion you would disregard otherwise. It may surprise you what you learn.

-Do something courageous. Pay for a stranger's lunch, ask out somebody you've been dying to. Ask a stranger for a hug, compliment the ugliest person you see. Find beauty in the dark, and today, I want you to enjoy life. Buy your favorite candy just for the hell of it, go out and spend money on a dress you've been dying for. Have fun and be spontaneous today. Plan a cruise or go to the gym. Go out and sing karaoke.
Do something out of the ordinary.

-Be happy. When I look around, I see people rushing, worrying, people that are genuinely stressed out, and what I rarely see is a legitimately happy person. Nobody is taking time to relax and enjoy life anymore, and I want you to help change that today.

But most of all, enjoy today. Because you never know when your last day might be. Don't make today another wasted, memory-less day. Make it a day to remember, and the start of something good. Because if you start making a difference in your own life today, you may be making a huge difference for somebody else tomorrow.


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