Advice from a teenage survivor

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Recent Addiction

So, originally this was going to be about music, but I decided I wanted to do something a little different, given the fact that I was sick the past week and haven't heard any new music that I like. However, I have found a new addiction of mind that I definitely want to share with you. Maybe you've seen it before, maybe this is the first time you've heard of it. But it's seriously amazing, and I definitely recommend it.

So, what is it?

So this, as you may know, is a British crime/drama that is a modern rendition of the famous Sherlock Holmes, and based off of books written by Arthur Conan Doyle, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I hadn't heard of this until yesterday, but I can already tell you I'm hooked.

What's it about?
(WARNING: There are currently only six episodes out, each averaging one hour, 28 minutes.)

So, as you know, it's a modern rendition of Sherlock Holmes, which at first I wasn't very open to, still getting used to Robert Downey Jr. as the new face of Sherlock. But this series caught my attention immediately, with brilliantly written lines with stories....
but I'll get to that later. ;)

The Ups:

The lines, the stories, the details, everything; it's all perfectly written.

-The Crew
You can tell how much effort is put into creating each and ever episode as close to flawless as they can get. The camera work is brilliant, with the lack of awkward angles making watching flow nicely.

-The Cast
Now, I don't know about you, but I wasn't too sure about Cumberbatch as the new face of Sherlock, but he was so quickly intriguing, with his odd facial structure and effortless movements. You can tell he's a very experienced actor and a very assured one. He's comfortable with what he's doing, and he does it flawlessly. His line delivering is mind blowing, getting so in character that I was actually disappointed to find out he wasn't really Skerlock Holmes. His eyes are piercing and mysterious disposition are absolutely perfect for this character, and he brings not only a new life, but a new quality to the character. He very quickly warms up on you, and personally I'm the kind of person that I like to look beneath the surface to find beauty in. So I'm actually finding myself quite attracted to this man, and he hasn't disappointed me yet.
Though I honestly can't see him as anybody other than Sherlock now.
And Watson is another pleasing actor. Portrayed by The Hobbit's Martin Freeman, (not to be confused with Morgan Freeman) it's another brilliantly experienced actor, who brings a strange aura to a military doctor. He's definitely a character I like having around, and the perfect sidekick for none other than Mr. Holmes.

-The Setting
I swear, nothing would be as good without the accents. London was the perfect place to shoot. It's so beautiful there.

-The Detail
I suppose I could have put this under writing, but I decided it was so perfect it needed its own category. The immense detail and the sly jokes are perfect; this is definitely not something you'll want to fall asleep through. You want to catch every line, every word. You never know what might come up.

"I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round for nice little chat, and just happened to stay over. And assume she scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees."

The Downs:

The show's two hours when it airs, so it's like a little movie. It takes somebody with a longer attention span to stay with a show like this for more than a half hour.

Again, attention span. There is so much detail crammed into every episode that it takes a sharp, intelligent person (Like you) to keep up and try to solve it. I personally think it's fun, but...

-The Hobbit
Every damn time I see Watson, I can't help but think about the Hobbit. I really wish I hadn't seen it now. It didn't make sense anyway, I've never seen Lord of the Rings before.

You will be self conscious of your IQ for years after seeing how Sherlock works. (unless you can keep up. ;)

If you're up to the challenge of keeping up, then you'll probably get addicted and start fangirling everywhere like I did. You'll find yourself talking like a cocky genius with a British accent (assuming you don't have one already) looking down at everybody around you like you're smarter than they are for hours, perhaps even days after seeing this. Trust me, even writing this I have a bit of cocky "sherlockness" in here. But seriously, Cumberbatch was the perfect choice--I think I'm going to add him to my list of guys I wouldn't mind *coughcough*-ing, which would be

1. Sam Winchester
2. Prince Zuko
3. Nick Jonas
4. Thor (Chris Hemsworth)

(I have strange taste in guys, I know)
--who I've loved ever since I got to 'know' ♥
Aah. Hormones. ♥

Well, anyway, slightly awkward end to this...recommendation/review, but I really hope you'll take this into consideration and take the time to watch Sherlock! Very rarely do I find things I can truly appreciate, and this is definitely one of them. Granted I'm only two episodes in, I'm hooked. It's earned a place next to Supernatural, my all time favorite tv show.


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