Advice from a teenage survivor

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Advice #4

Codependence destroys you.

Be independent. If you're the kind of person that always needs people around to enjoy what you're doing, then you're doing whatever you're doing wrong. Codependence is a horrible thing to have, because co-dependent people fail to recognize that people do leave. Or even if they do, they lie to themselves about it. Don't grow too close to somebody, unless you know for absolutelyfuckingsure that they feel the same. Because if you invest everything you have into somebody that doesn't care, it destroys you.

Be independent, it's all I can really say. You're really all you have in life, and other people are nice, but don't become the type of person that needs a group of people around them to have fun. If you can enjoy your life by yourself, it'll be a much bigger accomplishment, and you'll feel fulfilled. Now don't get me wrong, people are what make this world nice, and as humans we do feel a need to be around people because we get lonely. But growing too close to specific people is really bad for you. So be confident, and learn how to take care of yourself, by yourself. The world is your oyster when you can go through it alone, but it's a party when you have friends around you.


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