Advice #6
So, who here likes the saying "Better safe than sorry"?
Well, let me give you a little info about that.
This saying is an excuse.
When you're about to do something exciting. Like, for instance, in my English class we've been given the opportunity to do something called Poetry Out Loud, which is where you memorize a poem from their poem list and then recite it in front of the whole school. My friend wanted to join, but she told me "Well, better safe than sorry. I'm not gonna do it."
But my question is why not?
So, life is about living, right? So why in the world would you give yourself a decent excuse not to live life? Everything is just more experience, one more accomplishment, one more story to tell your grandkids "Yes ma'am, I did that."
So why would anybody say "Better safe than sorry"?
Playing life on the safe side is equivalent to staying indoors your whole life. Life is about experiencing, trying new things, living for crying out loud. You were born to do something great, but you're so scared of something going wrong that you end up not doing something that could be the greatest experience of your life?
So, my advice to you, would be to change that saying. Change it so instead of better safe than sorry, it's
Better sorry than safe.
Do Poetry Out Loud. Audition for your talent show. Ask out your love. Jump off of a cliff into the ocean. Ride in the back of a pickup while your friends drive full speed. Take any and all opportunities presented to you. Make that joke in class. Send that risky text. If something goes wrong, it doesn't matter. Just doing it is an immense accomplishment that will make up for any mistakes you make for doing so.*
Because in life, if you do something and it ends up going wrong, you can at least look back on it and say,
"At least I had the courage to do something."
And that's a rarity these days.
I'm sorry. This has been more of a rant than anything, but I really want to make my point clear. Life is about making mistakes, and in all honesty, yes, being sorry is much better than being safe. Just as I tell myself and my friends, It's just more experience, and life experience never really hurt anyone, now did it?
Stay daring.♥
*Please don't take this as an excuse to go do drugs and get laid. This is not the context it is meant in...this isn't yolo
Advice from a teenage survivor
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Ask Evie
So the picture really doesn't have anything to do with anything-I saw it on facebook and I just liked it.♥
Anyway, back on topic, the title says it all! I'm starting a new segment called Ask Evie. Now I was going to wait until I had more traffic on my blog, but I decided I wanted to start now.
So, please don't leave me without comments on this--I know my blog is new, but starting a segment like this and not getting any replies will be very embarrassing. ^.^ Help a girl out!
So anyway, is there a situation in your life you need advice with? Anything you're going through that you'd like some support with? Ask me anything--my age, my life, my school, what color my dog is--anything you want. I'd like to make this blog as personal as I can, so feel free to ask me anything! (requests are cool too. :)
Again though--please don't leave me hanging. ;)
Stay classy.♥
Anyway, back on topic, the title says it all! I'm starting a new segment called Ask Evie. Now I was going to wait until I had more traffic on my blog, but I decided I wanted to start now.
So, please don't leave me without comments on this--I know my blog is new, but starting a segment like this and not getting any replies will be very embarrassing. ^.^ Help a girl out!
So anyway, is there a situation in your life you need advice with? Anything you're going through that you'd like some support with? Ask me anything--my age, my life, my school, what color my dog is--anything you want. I'd like to make this blog as personal as I can, so feel free to ask me anything! (requests are cool too. :)
Again though--please don't leave me hanging. ;)
Stay classy.♥
#4 Tell Dad My Dream
2. Get my driver's license
3. Hug my best friend♥
5. Save a life
6. Make them remember me.
7. Learn an entire song on piano
8. Learn an entire song on guitar
9. Meet somebody famous
10. Shoot hoops with my friends
11. Have a memorable year
12. Sneak into a movie
13. Decorate my room
14. Wear a shirt that says "Life" and give out lemons on the street
15. Work harder than I ever have
16. Make a stranger laugh
17. Give a homeless person $20
18. Be recognized for something I did
19. Stay up all night
20. Write compliments on paper and give them to strangers
21. Hike a mountain and scream at the top of it
22. Believe in myself
23. Get in trouble
24. Pass my permit test
25. Live
This was a really difficult one for me. But I got it done.
So, what is my dream? To become a professional singer/songwriter/musician. And I want to make it, I don't want to just be another local performer. So why was telling my dad of all people so difficult?
So, growing up, my mom always forced me to do things. She forced me to practice piano and to practice singing and to do chores on time. Now, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you--I'm stubborn as hell--and I really don't like being told what to do. Now, my dad is a really dedicated teacher. It's not his job, (he's a mechanic) but anything we do, he likes to help in any way he can. And sometimes, it gets a little suffocating. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my father. But since I was always told what to do when I was younger, I kinda gained this...independence, you could say. Now, I only don things in my own time when I want to, and a music career is the number one thing I want to accomplish by myself.
Now I don't know why telling him scared me so much. I never told him anything having to do with my future career, and I became comfortable with that. Well one day a few weeks ago, my brother and I were talking about our future plans. And I didn't want to tell him mine since him and my dad are close, but it slipped out. So he decided he'd tell dad most of my plan since I was so scared to, but we had to do it asap, because if I couldn't even tell my dad, how would I do it?
So, on monday, dad and my brother took me to a golf tournament my brother had. Now, it's a pretty huge deal since it was one of his first professional tournaments (his dream is to become a future PGA player) and he said that on the way home he'd start it up.
They day goes by, me dreading the ride home of course, and he didn't play very well so none of us were in a very good mood. So he strikes up the conversation while I was picking up the peanuts I dropped in the car, and I instantly started crying. Not the loud kind, the silent kind where you just stare into oblivion, completely under your emotion's will. So my brother basically told him everything. But the thing is, my dad was so, completely understanding. The thing he was mad about was the fact that I was so scared to tell him. But once it was out, the relief I was unimaginable.
I feel like I can tell my dad anything now, and honestly, it's a little uncomfortable because I'm so used to keeping everything to myself. But I know now that I can finally get started on my life, my career. This year is going to be a huge one for me. One month in and it already has been.♥
So basically, the point of this is don't be afraid of anything. If you're facing a similar situation, just get it over with. You'll feel so relieved afterwards. It may take some getting used to, but if you never face your fears in life, what's the point of living at all?
Stay inspiring.♥
#1; Dance in the Rain
2. Get my driver's license
3. Hug my best friend♥
4. Tell dad my dream
5. Save a life
6. Make them remember me.
7. Learn an entire song on piano
8. Learn an entire song on guitar
9. Meet somebody famous
10. Shoot hoops with my friends
11. Have a memorable year
12. Sneak into a movie
13. Decorate my room
14. Wear a shirt that says "Life" and give out lemons on the street
15. Work harder than I ever have
16. Make a stranger laugh
17. Give a homeless person $20
18. Be recognized for something I did
19. Stay up all night
20. Write compliments on paper and give them to strangers
21. Hike a mountain and scream at the top of it
22. Believe in myself
23. Get in trouble
24. Pass my permit test
25. Live
Well, I think it's been a pretty good start to the year so far. I already got two done, but I'll get to the next one later.
This one may seem really small and cheesy, but it means so much to me. Just to be able to dance in the rain, which most people view as a negative thing, is beautiful, because it shows you can be happy and enjoy life even in it's rainiest moments.
Stay happy my friends. ♥
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Honestly, I'm not usually one for lists. I think the disorganization of life keeps it exciting and fun (which is probably why I can never sort my thoughts out) so I never make lists. But I got some inspiration from the best person in the world today, and you can find her perfection here, but anyway, I figured I'd join the club and make an accomplishment list. So here goes;
1. Dance in the rain.
2. Get my driver's license
3. Hug my best friend♥
4. Tell dad my dream
5. Save a life
6. Make them remember me.
7. Learn an entire song on piano
8. Learn an entire song on guitar
9. Meet somebody famous
10. Shoot hoops with my friends
11. Have a memorable year
12. Sneak into a movie
13. Decorate my room
14. Wear a shirt that says "Life" and give out lemons on the street
15. Work harder than I ever have
16. Make a stranger laugh
17. Give a homeless person $20
18. Be recognized for something I did
19. Stay up all night
20. Write compliments on paper and give them to strangers
21. Hike a mountain and scream at the top of it
22. Believe in myself
23. Get in trouble
24. Pass my permit test
25. Live
Challenge yourself to accomplish things you never would have otherwise.
This year, I want you to live. ♥
Be Fearless
Advice #5
This is one of my all time favorite topics. Fear.
I'm going to start this one off with a little psychology for you. What is fear?
Now, if a little girl toddled up to me and asked me what fear was, my first response would be
Because in all reality, that's all fear really is.
All fear is, is a state of mind. But what causes us to have such an unpleasant feeling? How could an emotion be so strong that it holds back our true potential for happiness?
Now, fear is an instinct. We all have it, we're born with it. It's a key element in survival. But in this day and age, we don't rely so much on instincts anymore, yet we still let fear be a huge part of our lives.
"As for what is fear biologically speaking, when a person experiences fear, certain areas in their brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus are immediately activated and appear to control the first physical response to fear. Chemicals such as adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions."
Fear is usually related to a past experience. Normally it's a highly unpleasant one, and you might not even remembered if something disastrous like this happened, because your body's instincts kick in and block out that memory, in an effort to keep you thinking logically. But something you're afraid of somehow reminds you of this experience, therefore your body literally goes into defense-mode. It's interesting because fear is an emotional trigger, but it's also a physical experience. You've literally lost control of your mind.
Now, what's interesting about fear is the fact that there are so many variations. I'm going to try to make this as organized as I can, but bear with me, I tend to ramble on. ;)
Here are some mild variations of fear;
The fear of future events or possible events is known as anxiety. This is one of the fears I suffer from the most, because I try to predict how things will go before they even happen. Anxiety is characterized as apprehension because we can't control what's gonna happen next, and since we can't control what might happen, it scares us. An example would be watching a horror movie. You try to predict what will happen, but you can't control it, therefore you're scared. (I love horror movies...maybe that's why I'm so anxious all the time...)
Experiencing fear when it's not necessary is known as panic. This is one of the most common types of fear because it's related to an emotional experience. An example of this would be freaking out while on a road trip because there's a group of cows crossing the road. The cows mean you no harm.
Now, there are many people that let fear control them. These people struggle with anxiety, phobias and panic attacks because they let the fear take control. Since fear is a state of mind, people who lack the ability to control their thoughts and how things affect them are usually really fearful.
It's worth noting that fear is almost always related to a possible outcome, the future. Fear is normally future-oriented, because the future means a lack of control.
If I were to give you any advice about how to stop being afraid of anything, I'd tell you to stop thinking.
If you're the kind of person that struggles with fear, you might have a control problem, because again, all fear is is a state of mind. Sure, it can be helpful with making the right decisions in life, but we, as humans, are emotional beings. We're used to reacting to what our emotions are doing. But you need to learn how to control your thoughts. There are herbal medicines and prescriptions you can take to minimize your fear, but those don't help. What it comes down to is you, and how you let yourself feel. If you don't want to be afraid of something, simply stop being afraid of it. It might take some gradual steps and some getting used to, but you control your thoughts.
Take a deep breath. Say you see a spider, so your body reacts to it and you become scared of that spider. Sure, it's not the cutest thing in the world, but take a deep breath and ask yourself, why are you scared of the spider? It's just another living creature trying to survive, like you are when you experience this fear. So take a deep breath, and change your thoughts from "HOLY SH*T A SPIDER" to ".....spiders aren't so bad.."
Think logically. You're so much bigger than the spider. Are you scared of it because they're poisonous? Look at this spider and tell me if it came in here to kill you. It didn't. It's not an assassin sent to do away with you, it's looking for food and shelter.
Handle it. Head-on. Do you want the spider to go away? Do it. Either kill that spider (aw :\) or put it outside. It won't jump up and eat you. It might run, but it's just trusting its instincts. If you want your fear to go away, and there are so many more fears out there, this is just an example, handle it. You are in control of how things affect you, especially your thoughts. And you've heard me mention this over and over, because it's one of the biggest flaws in humans. We lack the ability to control our thoughts. So if you have a specific fear, I'd love to hear it. I'm going to start a "ask evie" type of thing here soon, so if there's a fear or any topic you'd like me to take on, please say so in the comments.
This is one of my all time favorite topics. Fear.
I'm going to start this one off with a little psychology for you. What is fear?
Now, if a little girl toddled up to me and asked me what fear was, my first response would be
Because in all reality, that's all fear really is.
All fear is, is a state of mind. But what causes us to have such an unpleasant feeling? How could an emotion be so strong that it holds back our true potential for happiness?
Now, fear is an instinct. We all have it, we're born with it. It's a key element in survival. But in this day and age, we don't rely so much on instincts anymore, yet we still let fear be a huge part of our lives.
"As for what is fear biologically speaking, when a person experiences fear, certain areas in their brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus are immediately activated and appear to control the first physical response to fear. Chemicals such as adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions."
Fear is usually related to a past experience. Normally it's a highly unpleasant one, and you might not even remembered if something disastrous like this happened, because your body's instincts kick in and block out that memory, in an effort to keep you thinking logically. But something you're afraid of somehow reminds you of this experience, therefore your body literally goes into defense-mode. It's interesting because fear is an emotional trigger, but it's also a physical experience. You've literally lost control of your mind.
Now, what's interesting about fear is the fact that there are so many variations. I'm going to try to make this as organized as I can, but bear with me, I tend to ramble on. ;)
Here are some mild variations of fear;
The fear of future events or possible events is known as anxiety. This is one of the fears I suffer from the most, because I try to predict how things will go before they even happen. Anxiety is characterized as apprehension because we can't control what's gonna happen next, and since we can't control what might happen, it scares us. An example would be watching a horror movie. You try to predict what will happen, but you can't control it, therefore you're scared. (I love horror movies...maybe that's why I'm so anxious all the time...)
Experiencing fear when it's not necessary is known as panic. This is one of the most common types of fear because it's related to an emotional experience. An example of this would be freaking out while on a road trip because there's a group of cows crossing the road. The cows mean you no harm.
Now, there are many people that let fear control them. These people struggle with anxiety, phobias and panic attacks because they let the fear take control. Since fear is a state of mind, people who lack the ability to control their thoughts and how things affect them are usually really fearful.
It's worth noting that fear is almost always related to a possible outcome, the future. Fear is normally future-oriented, because the future means a lack of control.
If I were to give you any advice about how to stop being afraid of anything, I'd tell you to stop thinking.
If you're the kind of person that struggles with fear, you might have a control problem, because again, all fear is is a state of mind. Sure, it can be helpful with making the right decisions in life, but we, as humans, are emotional beings. We're used to reacting to what our emotions are doing. But you need to learn how to control your thoughts. There are herbal medicines and prescriptions you can take to minimize your fear, but those don't help. What it comes down to is you, and how you let yourself feel. If you don't want to be afraid of something, simply stop being afraid of it. It might take some gradual steps and some getting used to, but you control your thoughts.
Take a deep breath. Say you see a spider, so your body reacts to it and you become scared of that spider. Sure, it's not the cutest thing in the world, but take a deep breath and ask yourself, why are you scared of the spider? It's just another living creature trying to survive, like you are when you experience this fear. So take a deep breath, and change your thoughts from "HOLY SH*T A SPIDER" to ".....spiders aren't so bad.."
Think logically. You're so much bigger than the spider. Are you scared of it because they're poisonous? Look at this spider and tell me if it came in here to kill you. It didn't. It's not an assassin sent to do away with you, it's looking for food and shelter.
Handle it. Head-on. Do you want the spider to go away? Do it. Either kill that spider (aw :\) or put it outside. It won't jump up and eat you. It might run, but it's just trusting its instincts. If you want your fear to go away, and there are so many more fears out there, this is just an example, handle it. You are in control of how things affect you, especially your thoughts. And you've heard me mention this over and over, because it's one of the biggest flaws in humans. We lack the ability to control our thoughts. So if you have a specific fear, I'd love to hear it. I'm going to start a "ask evie" type of thing here soon, so if there's a fear or any topic you'd like me to take on, please say so in the comments.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Advice #4
Codependence destroys you.
Be independent. If you're the kind of person that always needs people around to enjoy what you're doing, then you're doing whatever you're doing wrong. Codependence is a horrible thing to have, because co-dependent people fail to recognize that people do leave. Or even if they do, they lie to themselves about it. Don't grow too close to somebody, unless you know for absolutelyfuckingsure that they feel the same. Because if you invest everything you have into somebody that doesn't care, it destroys you.
Be independent, it's all I can really say. You're really all you have in life, and other people are nice, but don't become the type of person that needs a group of people around them to have fun. If you can enjoy your life by yourself, it'll be a much bigger accomplishment, and you'll feel fulfilled. Now don't get me wrong, people are what make this world nice, and as humans we do feel a need to be around people because we get lonely. But growing too close to specific people is really bad for you. So be confident, and learn how to take care of yourself, by yourself. The world is your oyster when you can go through it alone, but it's a party when you have friends around you.
Codependence destroys you.
Be independent. If you're the kind of person that always needs people around to enjoy what you're doing, then you're doing whatever you're doing wrong. Codependence is a horrible thing to have, because co-dependent people fail to recognize that people do leave. Or even if they do, they lie to themselves about it. Don't grow too close to somebody, unless you know for absolutelyfuckingsure that they feel the same. Because if you invest everything you have into somebody that doesn't care, it destroys you.
Be independent, it's all I can really say. You're really all you have in life, and other people are nice, but don't become the type of person that needs a group of people around them to have fun. If you can enjoy your life by yourself, it'll be a much bigger accomplishment, and you'll feel fulfilled. Now don't get me wrong, people are what make this world nice, and as humans we do feel a need to be around people because we get lonely. But growing too close to specific people is really bad for you. So be confident, and learn how to take care of yourself, by yourself. The world is your oyster when you can go through it alone, but it's a party when you have friends around you.
Advice #3
This is a huge one. I'll probably be posting more about happiness later on, the more I find out about how to find it. Because I haven't been very successful lately. However, I have found some things I'd like to share...
plus, I think I need this. Maybe seeing it all written out will help me, and hopefully it'll help you.
Be open-minded.
Going through your day with an open mind can help you tremendously. Say, you spill all the milk on the floor making breakfast, and while cleaning it up you burn your breakfast? If you look at this open-mindedly, your it'll make your day so much better, because by the end of the day you'll know that you had a good day because you didn't let the bad day happen.
Control how things affect you.
This one can be dangerous. If you try to control everything too much, it just leads to mental exhaustion, and lack of control. So try to control little things, like that negative thought in the back of your mind, or something that's been bothering you.
Face it.
Face your problems. Face your fears, right now. Face what pissed you off today, because if you don't, it'll bother you so much more than it would if you just confront it now. Are you afraid you're fat? Don't ignore the fact that you might be, do something about it. Are you afraid your boyfriend is cheating on you? Don't ignore this. Ask him about it, it'll bring you closer. Face the fact that life is unpredictable, because you really don't know what's going to happen next.
Go with plan C.
As in, plan "c what happens". Again, life is extremely unpredictable, and we could drive ourselves crazy trying to control what's going to happen. Because again, with control, there's an extreme lack of control. It takes a very controlled person to be controlled.
Take life as it comes.
Going along with plan c, taking life as it comes and handling situations as they come keeps you calm and level-headed. I can't tell you how much I see people driving themselves absolutely crazy planning ahead, because 1. They're afraid something might go wrong because they're thinking about it too much, and 2. Because it's stressful thinking about what could happen. The what if's in life are a huge cause of stress, and stress is one of the biggest things that counteracts happiness.
Make jokes about everything. Do something so f*cking weird it freaks the whole building out. Laughing means you're having fun, and if you can always find something to laugh about, then you're going to be content.
Set goals.
Don't put off something that bothers you, again, face it. Set goals for yourself and try to accomplish something new every chance you get. If you don't get the chance, make the chance and go after it. Accomplishing goals--even if it's something small, like getting through your homework in a timely manner or without complaints--gives you a feeling of empowerment, and it gives you motivation to go out and do things.
Experience everything.
Go out with a friend you normally wouldn't have, ride the Ring of Fire at the fair, give your number out to somebody, compliment somebody, pay for a stranger's groceries, stare at somebody in an elevator to freak them out. Do anything, and do everything. I don't care if you don't want to or if it's bad. It's more life experience, and you're going to want to get as much as you can in this life. You won't believe how short life is when your 40th birthday comes, so ask yourself, do you want to be the kind of person that did everything you could as a kid, and have tons of stories to tell your grandkids? Or do you want to be the person that when you look back at your life when you're 80, say "I wish I had done this while I had the chance."?
Regret nothing.
Don't let your past hold you back. If you were abused, raped, bullied, in a serious accident, a drug addict, anything, don't let it stop you from doing anything in the future. Again, it's just more life experience, and if you made it out alive then you are a stronger person for that. The more you've gone through, the more you'll be able to relate with people. And the more bonds you make, the better your life will be.
Don't chase happiness.
The more you try to find happiness and the more you work towards it, the less you'll be able to find it. Don't look at happiness as a future goal, experience it now. Find little things you enjoy, like the way your cat twitches his ears, or the way your mom hums as she cooks, or even how f*cking cute that little monster out of the 50 cent machine is. Find little glorious things that make you smile during the day, and I promise you it'll make you so much happier. If you try to chase happiness, you'll fall into a pit of depression. It's actually proven that people with depression are the people that want happiness so badly. But the problem is that they want it, but they don't find it. They go after it, instead of see it. There are millions of reasons to smile everyday, and bad days do happen. But my advice to you, my beautiful stranger, is to find something to be happy about every day. Don't strive to be happy, just be happy, and I promise you, your life will be so genuine and special, that it doesn't matter what else happens. Because as long as your happy, what else really matters?
This is a huge one. I'll probably be posting more about happiness later on, the more I find out about how to find it. Because I haven't been very successful lately. However, I have found some things I'd like to share...
plus, I think I need this. Maybe seeing it all written out will help me, and hopefully it'll help you.
Be open-minded.
Going through your day with an open mind can help you tremendously. Say, you spill all the milk on the floor making breakfast, and while cleaning it up you burn your breakfast? If you look at this open-mindedly, your it'll make your day so much better, because by the end of the day you'll know that you had a good day because you didn't let the bad day happen.
Control how things affect you.
This one can be dangerous. If you try to control everything too much, it just leads to mental exhaustion, and lack of control. So try to control little things, like that negative thought in the back of your mind, or something that's been bothering you.
Face it.
Face your problems. Face your fears, right now. Face what pissed you off today, because if you don't, it'll bother you so much more than it would if you just confront it now. Are you afraid you're fat? Don't ignore the fact that you might be, do something about it. Are you afraid your boyfriend is cheating on you? Don't ignore this. Ask him about it, it'll bring you closer. Face the fact that life is unpredictable, because you really don't know what's going to happen next.
Go with plan C.
As in, plan "c what happens". Again, life is extremely unpredictable, and we could drive ourselves crazy trying to control what's going to happen. Because again, with control, there's an extreme lack of control. It takes a very controlled person to be controlled.
Take life as it comes.
Going along with plan c, taking life as it comes and handling situations as they come keeps you calm and level-headed. I can't tell you how much I see people driving themselves absolutely crazy planning ahead, because 1. They're afraid something might go wrong because they're thinking about it too much, and 2. Because it's stressful thinking about what could happen. The what if's in life are a huge cause of stress, and stress is one of the biggest things that counteracts happiness.
Make jokes about everything. Do something so f*cking weird it freaks the whole building out. Laughing means you're having fun, and if you can always find something to laugh about, then you're going to be content.
Set goals.
Don't put off something that bothers you, again, face it. Set goals for yourself and try to accomplish something new every chance you get. If you don't get the chance, make the chance and go after it. Accomplishing goals--even if it's something small, like getting through your homework in a timely manner or without complaints--gives you a feeling of empowerment, and it gives you motivation to go out and do things.
Experience everything.
Go out with a friend you normally wouldn't have, ride the Ring of Fire at the fair, give your number out to somebody, compliment somebody, pay for a stranger's groceries, stare at somebody in an elevator to freak them out. Do anything, and do everything. I don't care if you don't want to or if it's bad. It's more life experience, and you're going to want to get as much as you can in this life. You won't believe how short life is when your 40th birthday comes, so ask yourself, do you want to be the kind of person that did everything you could as a kid, and have tons of stories to tell your grandkids? Or do you want to be the person that when you look back at your life when you're 80, say "I wish I had done this while I had the chance."?
Regret nothing.
Don't let your past hold you back. If you were abused, raped, bullied, in a serious accident, a drug addict, anything, don't let it stop you from doing anything in the future. Again, it's just more life experience, and if you made it out alive then you are a stronger person for that. The more you've gone through, the more you'll be able to relate with people. And the more bonds you make, the better your life will be.
Don't chase happiness.
The more you try to find happiness and the more you work towards it, the less you'll be able to find it. Don't look at happiness as a future goal, experience it now. Find little things you enjoy, like the way your cat twitches his ears, or the way your mom hums as she cooks, or even how f*cking cute that little monster out of the 50 cent machine is. Find little glorious things that make you smile during the day, and I promise you it'll make you so much happier. If you try to chase happiness, you'll fall into a pit of depression. It's actually proven that people with depression are the people that want happiness so badly. But the problem is that they want it, but they don't find it. They go after it, instead of see it. There are millions of reasons to smile everyday, and bad days do happen. But my advice to you, my beautiful stranger, is to find something to be happy about every day. Don't strive to be happy, just be happy, and I promise you, your life will be so genuine and special, that it doesn't matter what else happens. Because as long as your happy, what else really matters?
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